5Beer5K Official Site

The 5Beer5K is a long distance runner’s twist on the Beer Mile — a well-documented race (see BeerMile.com) where the runner runs 4 laps of a 400 m. track and drinks 4 beers (see www.beermile.com/faq.beer#rules).

So the 5Beer5K is a similar concept. Start with a beer, run 1 kilometre — and do this a total of 5 times.

For those who haven’t done this race, the first thought is that you’ll get totally wasted within the half hour it typically takes to run 5 kilometres. But, in fact, most runners feel a bit tipsy by the end — but not drunk. The bigger issue is that runners feel bloated — exactly as if the runner had consumed 5 bottles of carbonated water or cola while running 5K.

Now, the amount of intoxication a half hour after the race is over can be a different story — particularly if the participants continue to imbibe which, based on past experience, is likely.  So one of the first rules of the race is that participants must have a designated driver or be prepared to stay over.

Review all of the rules here and the race divisions here (which includes the 5Beer5K Relay, Wine, Shot and Partners divisions). Plus, see if you have what it takes to make it into the list of 100 top solo 5Beer5K World Record Holders!


DATE / TIME: We hold the 5Beer5K on a Friday night — typically on one of the last two weekends in August. For 2024, it will be held on Friday August 16 at the home of Kelly Gil.  The address is 4 Riverview Ave., London Ontario.  Bib pickup opens at 6:30 PM.

Click here to register.

Starting gun goes at 7:30 for all divisions.

COST: FREE! (but you must sign a big honkin’ waiver!)  For 2024, we will be passing the hat to help cover the cost of the trophies, entertainment, etc.   Bring some refreshments and snacks for after the race.  And make sure you have pre-arranged a safe way to get home!

3 thoughts on “5Beer5K Official Site

  1. It’s Lloyd from the shop 😉
    Great looking event, I’m going to see what we can do in New Brunswick

    1. Excellent. The 5Beer5K is a ton of fun. I’m just getting the 2019 event organized now for August 23 in London Ontario, so if you know of anyone in the area who wants to watch or take part, let me know. You can reach me at 416_823_6095 or bruce.lambATavalanchesearch.com

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